Have a look at our informative legal guides to help you feel prepared.
We all know we need to make a will at some point, but many of us underestimate just how important it is, and what a difference it could make to our families.
Drafting a will
We can all agree that writing a will isn’t at the top of the list of fun things to do. In fact, the idea of sitting down to create one can be nothing short of morbid. Perhaps that is maybe why more than 60% of the UK adult population reportedly do not have a will in place.
Choosing a witness is an important step for making a valid will. We’ll guide you through what you need to know about will witnesses. Explore why you need one, how many you need, and who can witness a will.
A Power of Attorney is about keeping you in control when you’re not able to manage your affairs. Whether you’re going out of the country or getting married, there are times when you need to get Power of Attorney.
Power of Attorney
There’s no wrong time to start making your will. If you’re over 18 and want to make sure your money and assets go to the right people, there’s little stopping you writing a will. It’s a case of the sooner, the better.
Writing a will is very important, but the responsibility doesn't end there – you also need to make sure it’s kept up to date.
Power of Attorney and a Deputyship Order are both governed by the Court of Protection, but in the eyes of the law they’re very different. Deciding which is needed is important.
Court of protection deputyship Power of Attorney
Writing a will is an important part of life and having one can make a big difference to your loved ones.
Writing a will is a serious process – and one that shouldn’t be undertaken on a whim. If you’re thinking about making your will, before you start, grab a pad and pen and consider…
Whether you’re planning on drawing up a will or wish to contest an existing one, it’s important to know what makes a valid will. An invalid will can financially hurt your beneficiaries – and your final wishes won’t be carried out.