Are you involved in an employment dispute? From unfair dismissal claims to discrimination claims, get prepared by reading our employment law guides.
There are many reasons a business can dismiss you from your job – but they can never be ‘unfair’. If you’re concerned about the hows and the whys surrounding your dismissal, explore out if you’re entitled to make an unfair dismissal claim.
Unfair dismissal claim
Find out what you can expect when you go into your disciplinary hearing.
Disciplinary hearings
If you’ve been called to a disciplinary hearing with your employer, you have the right to defend yourself. We’ll show you how to prepare for a hearing and what to expect.
Coronavirus has had a devastating impact on businesses across the country. Job losses are as damaging as they are inevitable. So, how does the pandemic affect your redundancy rights?
Redundancy Claim
Redundancy can send your whole world into a tailspin. But there are a few steps you can take to make the transition easier for you and your family.
When you’re offered a settlement agreement at work, the big question is: should I sign it?
Settlement agreements
If you’ve entered into a workplace dispute, a settlement agreement could help resolve the matter rather than taking your claim to an employment tribunal.
When you prepare to make an equal pay claim at an employment tribunal, you need to prove that the company you work for is paying you less than colleagues who perform work that’s equal, of equal value, or work that’s rated equivalent.
Equal pay claim
Your employer can, in some circumstances, deduct your pay. Find out if your wage deductions are authorised or unauthorised, and how to get your money back.
The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on businesses – and with it, we’ve seen sweeping redundancies across the country.Explore what’s happening in the jobs market, and what you can do if you’ve been affected?