Have a look at our informative legal guides to help you feel prepared.
If you’re facing an overwhelming amount of debt with no way to pay it all back, it might be time to consider starting bankruptcy proceedings.
The law doesn’t meaningfully recognise relationships outside of marriage or civil partnerships. But you can legally protect your cohabiting relationship by making a cohabitation agreement.
Relationship advice
Unmarried couples do not have the same rights as married couples. But what rights do you have?
Making child maintenance arrangements with your ex-partner after you get divorced helps to support your children financially. With multiple options available, learn which way is best for you.
Children advice Divorce
Civil partnerships can break down for many reasons. But to bring your civil partnership to a legal end, you will need to prove that your relationship has ‘irretrievably’ broken down.
Breakup advice
Family mediation can be an effective way of solving a divorce dispute. By approaching the process with the right attitude and working constructively with your ex-partner, you can keep costs and disruption to your life down to a minimum.
Breakup advice Divorce
Parents separating and sharing custody can be a difficult time for a child. It’s important to make sure you communicate with them clearly, and listen carefully to their needs during this period.
Children advice
Asking your fiancé about getting a prenup could be a difficult conversation, so knowing the right way to handle it is key.
When entering a marriage or civil partnership, you may consider a prenuptial agreement; a document declaring how assets will be split between the couple should the marriage eventually end in divorce.
When parents split up, it’s common for their children to live for part of the time with each parent. This is often referred to as shared custody, although the modern term is ‘shared residence’.