Smart marketing shouldn’t be labour intensive or painstakingly complicated. The Law Superstore is a straightforward and reliable online platform to make it easier for clients to find you, and for you to win profitable business.
Use the most sophisticated comparison tool on the market to bring in the cases you want.
The Law Superstore makes it quick and easy for clients to identify their requirements through:
Choice of 130+ legal services across 12 service categories
Suggestive search tool
Jargon-free and simple terminology
Intuitive layout and user experience
Helpful blog articles, hints and tips
Client needs are identified to ensure the quality of leads and avoid wasted time and resources for Partners:
Engaging, quick-fire questions establish jurisdiction, complexity and validity of a lead
Answers are used to form the scope of work, which will form the basis of the Client–Partner agreement
A list of up to 4 suitable legal providers is generated from the pre-qualification questions and displayed on a comparison table
Clients have agreed to share their contact details with the legal providers - those companies can either wait for the client to contact them or follow up to try to convert the lead. [Note that this does not apply to regulated services such as PI, Employment or Motoring Offences where users are shown a list of matching legal providers and can choose who to contact before sharing any personal details].
The comparison tables offer clients a clear and transparent list of legal service providers based on their responses to pre-qualification questions. From the comparison table, clients can:
Compare legal service providers based on ratings, reviews and price
Read Partner biographies
Apply advanced filters to compare up to 25 Partner attributes such as location, opening hours, parking and language facilities.
Make informed choices
Once a client has reviewed their lead details and selected a legal service provider they will be prompted to proceed.
Partner is provided with a “new enquiry” notification via email
Details of the lead will appear in the Lead Manager section of the Partner Area
Partner is directed to contact the client and begin work.
Alternatively, the partner can contact the client directly following receipt of the lead to discuss their needs.
Customise services, set criteria and analyse performance to gain business that meets your strategic goals and generates revenue.
The Partner Area brings all of a Partner’s online activity together into one manageable, easy to understand interface.
Control services and pricing in real time
Gain marketing intelligence using the powerful Partner Dashboard
Search and filter current and historical leads
Monitor productivity and performance
Produce detailed reports and export data
Measure conversion rate against alternative pricing models
The Account area enables Partners to keep their information, preferences and attributes up to date.
Upload a biography to attract clients
Promote unique selling points
Feature special attributes such as extended opening hours, language capabilities and parking facilities
Once vetted for a category, Partners have complete freedom to promote services to meet their business targets and strategy using the Service Manager
Select from up to three service complexities based on a given scope of work
A lead complexity is established through The Law Superstore’s qualifying questions
Choose a preferred pricing model and fee based on scope of works
Retain complete flexibility to enable and disable service complexities based on service performance, staff workloads, etc.
The scope of works have been designed by an expert team of solicitors and barristers to standardize service offerings and enable Partners to set fees accordingly. Scope of works are clearly visible to clients and partners and are set for each service complexity. Partners may use a scope of work to:
Set and adjust pricing for each service complexity
Set and adjust pricing types and full service fees
Form the basis for a contract between client and Partner
The Law Superstore’s pricing options enable clients to compare like-for-like costs without undermining the challenges and complexities that can be involved in a case.
Choose from up to 5 pricing models for a service based on scope of works: Fixed Fee; Fixed Fee with Capped Hours; Hourly Rate; No Win No Fee; and To Be Confirmed
In many cases, fees for ‘Initial Advice’ may also be included
Change pricing models and fees at any time
The Law Superstore provides detailed, exportable data analytics, enabling Partners to analyse productivity.
Track key performance metrics to monitor service performance and return on investment at service level
Track seasonal variations and strategic changes
Track performance on featured prices
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